IM Mastery Academy Review

What is IM

Forex used to be a market that only 1% of the richest people in the world had access to. Now you have the same opportunity to access this information and learn the skillset for yourself.”

So how did I get started in learning how to trade?  Well that live event I told you about that I attended was about IM Master Academy.  I will provide a truthful, unbiased IM Mastery Academy review so you can decide for yourself.

What is IM Mastery Academy?

IM Mastery Academy is an academy or virtual school that offers various trading educational products, educators, and tools to a global audience that is designed to educate and empower members all over the world to learn how to trade .

IM Mastery Academy has been in existence since 2013 and founded by CEO Christopher Terry.  The company’s mission is to “Educate, Enrich, and Empower One Million Students by 2020.” There are currently over 100,000 members. The company appears in over 120 countries and has training available in 8 major languages with over 60 experienced and successful educators.

Here is a more detailed video breakdown of IM Academy: 

The main benefit I see with IM Mastery Academy is the access to the teachers, the courses, and the tools.  When it comes to being an educator with IM, you must have proven success and go through a rigorous process in order to be approved to train students.  Not only do the educators teach live, you also have access to the recordings where you can watch and listen at your own convenience. The educators I follow (Chance and Sam) offers 9 hours of training each week.  I’ve listened to many other educators as well and one thing I appreciate about IM educators is that they genuinely care and want you to succeed.

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IM Mastery Academy Forex teachers, Chance and Sam

Why Should You Want to Trade Forex?

The benefit of trading is that you can seriously compound or multiply your money to financial freedom. I have a more detailed post on this here I strongly encourage you to read. How much has your bank paid you interest? Not much. If you can learn the skill of trading, it can literally pay you for the rest of your life and your family. At first when I started to learn how to trade, I was just thinking about the potential of the money I can make. Now that I see what it is, my goal now is to spread the word about this opportunity so others can benefit from it as well.

So How Much Does IM Mastery Academy Cost?

So this is the big question…the cost of joining. IM Academy has many different membership options. The main package is the Platinum package which costs $225 to start, and then you pay a membership fee of $164.95/month.
With this membership, you have access to Mastery Academy (educational lessons, GoLive (access to live and recorded sessions of IM educators, Harmonic Scanner tool (valued over 100k) and one of the most valuable forex tools.

There is also the Elite Package which costs $325 to start and $274.95/month. With this membership, you have access to many other IM products as seen below. You can compare both packages below

IM Platinum and Elite Membership

So What Are the Disadvantages of Joining IM?

So I said this would be an honest and unbiased review so I have to do my part and include the disadvantages as well. The first one is the cost of membership. I do understand this may be a steep price to pay for some. When I was trying to decide if I should join, the cost of membership was my problem too. But then I thought about how much I (or really my parents) paid for me to go to a 4-year college which was over $40k per year. So paying less than $2,000/year ($1,980 to be exact) was a no-brainer if it meant I will learn this evergreen skill for life and live the lifestyle I’ve always dreamed of.

Not to mention IM Academy also has a referral program where you can read here where if you refer two people to join, you don’t have to pay that fee anymore so that would take care of the cost.

The other disadvantage I see that happens with others is the expectations of how much money you can make and how quick you can make it. If you’re expecting to get rich overnight, that’s not going to happen. You must learn risk management with this skill or you will blow your account. So it’s a must

to be disciplined and patient. You have to put in the effort and work in order to be successful. If you’re not willing to at least dedicate three months to this, I would be honest and tell you this may not be a good fit for you. However if you are determined and realize the potential of learning this skill, you will be fine.

The last disadvantage I see is that even though IM Academy provides great educators and tools, it would be an extra benefit to join under a supportive group where you can have daily interactions and talk to others on a daily basis if you’d like to experience the journey with others too. Every educator can’t hold your hand and help you with deciding on a broker to use, or comparisons of using different strategies or other questions you may encounter.

How Much Time Is Needed to Learn How to Trade?

I joined IM Mastery Academy in April 2018 and I was working a full-time job and a part-time job. Let me also mention that I did not have any finance background. When I first started looking at Forex charts, etc it looked daunting, but it’s not difficult to understand at all.

So along with my jobs, I worked hard to make sure I watched all of my educator’s trainings each week and on the weekends along with staying plugged in with my groups. At first I tried different strategies and educators. Once I found the educators that I liked and liked their strategy (Chance and Sam) , I then solely focused on that one strategy. It took me about four months to grasp their style. I resigned from both of my jobs to focus on trading April 2019, exactly a year later.

I know some people that learned how to trade within just a few months. I know some that took them a couple of years. It took me over a year with trial and error, but it was so worth it. I also know people who work full-time, have a family to take care of, and still have time to trade. So you could do this working a full-time/part-time job and make supplemental income or you can do this instead of working a job at all.

Why Join with Me?

I was fortunate to join IM Academy through my niece. She was under and part of a trading team called Tradehouse. Within our team, we have three millionaire earners and leaders named David Imonite, Dr. Rafael Spiller, and Bryce Thompson (go ahead and look them up!). Dr. Spiller is one of the most renown Forex traders in the US. And being a part of the Tradeshouse group, you have access to trade ideas and signals from out group that is sent out almost everyday. All you do is simply input the numbers provided to you in your mobile app and you can instantly start making money.  Many times this will pay your monthly costs. However, again you must be a part of the Tradehouse downline to have access to trade ideas signals. You can hear more from Dr. Spiller talk about the benefits of IM Academy Mastery below.

If someone has already told you about IM, to be fair you should reach back out to them to get started. But as I mentioned, make sure they are part of a supportive team and can help you personally. Once you join and if you discover you are not getting the personal help you need, you aren’t able to join under any other IM member for 6 months. So evaluate how they are doing and make sure you will be part of a great supportive group.

If you learned about IM through my site, then I encourage you to join our team. With being a part of my team, you will be part of Tradehouse and able to receive trade idea signals everyday so you can start making money immediately. Also we have support groups where you can interact with other traders (beginners and advanced) so you’re not alone going through this exciting journey. Check out just a few of the groups you can be a part of with me.


TradeHouse Investment GroupLaunch Pad

So if you choose to join with me, click here or the button below . Once you’ve signed up, send me an email immediately at so I can help you personally get launched with our easy step-by-step instructions. You will also have my personal phone number you can use in case you have any questions.

Still not sure? Hear the testimonials from many IM Mastery Academy members below. Have any questions? Feel free to send me a message! I’d be happy to help.

Image result for click here to join now
* IM is running a promotional offer for new members. This will be the last chance for new students to save $25 on the startup fee, and pay just $164.95 per month.
The promo will end on Jan. 14th, 2020 at 11:59pm EST*.